We have 3 ways for you to win a Free Race Pass for 1 year during our 2023 calendar of events. All runs must be completed by the same person to be included in the competitions.
1) Join the Relish 100 Club for a host of perks; run 5 races with us over the year (minimum distance 5km) and we will draw 1 runner at random from those who complete 5 or more races to win a Free Race Pass for 1 year
2) The runner who runs the most races with us in 2023 will receive a Free Race Pass for 1 year. Minimum race distance of 5km. You can run multiple distances on the same race day if the timings allow. The four raceOmnium counts as 1 event.
3) The runner who logs the most km with us over 2023 will receive a Free Race Pass for 1 year. There is a minimum race distance of 5km. The exception being the shorter races for the Omnium event (1km, 100m, Hill Climb ~500m) will be logged as km for this competition. (Distance banked to your tally is based on the distance in the title of the event and won't include any bonus metres which may occasionally appear on some of our races)
We will have leaderboards for each competition which we will update after each race so you can see the events unfold!
If the winner of the most km and most races is the same person, the people who finish second in each of these competitions will each receive a 505 off voucher.