The What3Words address for the turning into Warren Farm is quaking.salt.rhino
When you are within a mile of the address you will likely start to see Relish Running signs to guide you on your final approach.
Diversion on route to Warren Farm
There is a road closure from 08:30am - 10:00am on Sunday 8th June in Bishop Sutton, a village about 7 miles to the North-East of our race. If you are coming from Bath, or South Bristol direction, you may come across it. Please allow ~30mins extra time for your journey
Car Parking
Parking is £2/car which goes direct to the farmer. The parking goes towards continual upgrades to the event and festival, new gates and access routes, and he kindly moves his livestock from his land which forms a large proportion of the route. Please have cash ready when you arrive, thank you.
Important Notes
Rubbish Out On the Course: We have special permission from the National Trust, the Somerset Wildlife Trust and Mendip AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) to hold these events around Cheddar Gorge. Please respect the fact you are running in such a beautiful area and do not drop any litter! If you can run will a full gel packet or drinks bottle, please run with it empty until the next Drinks Station. We reserve the right to give out time penalties to runners who are caught littering, and to disqualify repeat offenders. Thank you for understanding.
Cut off Time: There is 3hrs time limit for runners to start the 2nd lap of the marathon. Each lap is 13.2 miles but GPS reception is patchy so please do not rely on these too heavily to track your progress. There is no time limit for the other distances.
Race Numbers: No race numbers are being posted out, all numbers will be available to collect on the day.