Coaching Ethos
Communication is key to a successful coach – athlete relationship
All Relish training plans and communication takes place through an online training diary which is simple and easy to use. The training programs are updated and monitored on a very regularly basis. If athletes need to communicate over a more urgent matter then they can get in touch by phone or email.
Some coaching companies charge extra for an ”unlimited contact” plan, but to the Relish Team, this is integral to a successful coach-athlete relationship and is precisely what coaching is about. There are training templates on the internet for people to follow, when you bring on board a coach, you are looking for their experience and expertise. This is why you should get unlimited contact as standard as that is the real value in hiring a coach.
All Relish training plans are completely personalised on a week by week basis. All plans include unlimited contact through the training diary, through email and text, as well as a weekly arranged phone call to discuss the previous week’s trianing and the plan for the coming week.
Head Coach Tom Room has been a GB elite triathlete for the last 8 years and has represented the country over every distance; super sprint, sprint, Olympic, half ironman triathlon as well as duathlon. His best results were two top 50 finishes in 2008, 2009 at the Professional Half Ironman World Championships.
Tom didn't come from a 'sporting background', but instead largely coached himself from beginner to professional and therefore has a great insight into how to progress at all levels in the sport of triathlon and running.
If you would like to know about our coaching and to have an informal chat about your goals for the coming season please get in touch.
I had signed up to Alpe d’Huez Triathlon and because of work I had to move to a camp in the middle of the Sahara in Libya where I could use my bike only on the turbo, had no swimming pool and all my runs were going to be flat… I had no idea how I was going to train for this but Tom accepted the challenge of training me under these circumstances.
From the first week I was totally surprised by the varieties of the training session, he keeps me motivated and even 2 hours on the turbo were enjoyable. I can see the progress, feeling stronger and getting faster week after week…and I’m really looking forward to race in Alpe dHuez.
Eric completed the infamous Alpe d’Huez Triathlon (2.2km, 115km, 22km) in a fantastic 9hrs and 17mins.